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24th February 1962 was a memorable day, at least for me and my mum and dad as it was the day that I was born.

24th February 2002 was similarly a memorable day …my 40th birthday and the day that Colette Stroud Family Law “was born”.

Some people do a parachute jump, take part in the Great North run, buy a motorbike when they turn 40 but none of these were for me.

I set up the firm because, to coin a phrase, I wanted to do it “my way”. I wanted to practice family law and provide the best possible legal advice and emotional support to clients through a traumatic and upsetting time in their lives.

At Colette Stroud Family Law we do pride ourselves on providing an excellent service to clients as well as caring about them as they navigate their way through their relationship ending.

I don’t provide this service alone, I have team of people who help and support me as well as other professionals who I can call upon to advise and support my clients.

My right hand woman in the office is my Assistant Kath King; if I am not available to speak to you then she can absolutely be relied on to update you as to the progress on your case and listen to you if you need to let off steam!! If you need to speak to me then she is always sure to pass a message on to me that you want a call back.

At my office I also have the pleasure of working with Andrew and Jane Pearce of Prydale Partners ( who are both therapists and therefore are well placed to look after my clients who need some emotional support whilst dealing with the legal aspects of their relationship coming to an end.

Andrew and Jane support the aim of my practice which is to provide choice to clients as to how they can deal with financial matters and arrangements for their children at the end of their relationship. It may be that you need to get your “head straight” emotionally before being able to take on board the legal advice that I give to you and then be able to act on it.

When a client instructs me to be their family lawyer I always point out to them that we will be able to resolve matters as long as we work as a team. I cannot do my job without giving me the information and documents that I need to progress matters for them.

They will go on with their lives post-divorce/separation and will continue to parent their children long after I close my file but, during the time that I am acting for them, it is absolutely a team effort.

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